Home / Honey Keeper Beehive 20 Frame Complete Box Kit (10 Deep and 10 Medium) with Metal Roof for Langstroth Beekeeping

Honey Keeper Beehive 20 Frame Complete Box Kit (10 Deep and 10 Medium) with Metal Roof for Langstroth Beekeeping

161 sold
  • Detail

    The Honey Keeper Beehive is constructed with the essential elements needed to create a prosperous colony. The foundation is built with premium fir wood, while the frames are made of white pine. The telescoping metal roof features a galvanized construction for Langstroth beekeeping, which allows the individual combs to be removed without disturbing the hive. The 20-frame beehive kit supports 10 deep frames on the bottom to allow more of the hexagonal surfaces to be inhabited by honey bees, while the 10 medium-size frames tame down the number of possible inhabitants for easier management. The unwaxed pre-cut frame foundations, and the hexagonal surfaces simulate the conditions for a desirable beehive. The wooden beehive structure also includes the inner cover, bottom board, entrance reducer and queen excluder. The attractive and functional design supports the healthy growth of honey bee colonies. Have fun with your apiary hobby and support honey bee colonies to positively impact the environment. The Honey Keeper Beehive's natural wood exterior blends well with your outdoor space.

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